No Economic Case to Expand Heathrow

There has been a high-profile campaign recently by the aviation industry arguing the UK economic will suffer if airport expansion does not take place, particularly at Heathrow.

It has been heavily featured in the Evening Standard since Sarah Sands became editor. HACAN does not believe the case stands up. This two page PDF document summarises why.


Economic costs of sleep deprivation to be included in night flights review

In a Lord’s debate (28/5/12) the Government announced it would consider the economic loss due to sleep loss when it reviews night flights later this year.

This will be the first time this has been done. The issue was first raised in a CE Delft Report published by HACAN. Welcome move.

More details of the announcement. Read the HACAN report.


HACAN calls on Government to ditch for good outdated way of measuring aircraft noise

HACAN is calling on the Government to include plans to change the way it measures aircraft noise in its draft aviation policy, expected to go out to public consultation before the end of March.

The current method the Government uses varies from the one recommended by the European Union. It also contradicts the guidelines for noise annoyance recommended by the World Health Organisation. The EU estimates that around 720,000 people are disturbed by noise from Heathrow aircraft.

The UK Government puts it much lower at less than 300,000. HACAN Chair John Stewart said: “The way UK governments have traditionally measured noise no longer tallies with reality. Using its method, aircraft noise ceases to be a problem around Barnes.

It defies reality to say that people in places like Putney, Fulham, Battersea and Clapham are not disturbed by aircraft noise. We are calling on the Government to ditch this outdated way of measuring aircraft noise.”

Read the HACAN press release in PDF format.


CAA Report: 28% of people in Europe affected by aircraft noise live under the Heathrow flight paths

A major new report published yesterday (19/12/11) by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) reveals that 28% of the people in Europe affected by aircraft noise live under the Heathrow flight paths.

A total of over 700,000 people are affected by Heathrow aircraft. The report calls for measures, such as steeper descents by aircraft, to mitigate the impact of noise on residents. It also urges airport owners to “engage constructively” with residents.

Read the CAA Report:  

Read the HACAN Press Release