HACAN campaigns to stop further expansion of Heathrow and to cut the noise people hear from the existing airport. We want everybody affected by noise to be get regular periods of respite from the noise. We want a complete end to night flights.
There are powerful voices from the aviation industry, and sections of business and the trade union movement who want to see more planes using the airport.
But HACAN is not alone. We are supported by many local authorities, politicians, local residents and amenity groups and environmental organisations.
We lobby Government and regularly appear on the media. And, where we can, we work with Heathrow to find ways to improve the lot of residents under the flight paths.
We believe our influence and credibility has grown since we the successful campaign to stop a third runway last time round in which played a central role. You can read the story of the campaign here.
We are always looking for people to actively us in our campaigning. For a flavour of our day-to-day activities check out our events page.
To read more of our history here.