Night Flights

HACAN has long campaigned for a reduction in the number of night flights at Heathrow.

We believe that there should be an 8 hour ban on any aircraft operations in line with World Health Organisation guidelines. People deserve to be able to get a good night’s sleep.

You can sign the petition set up by the Aviation Communities Forum here:

Many members are woken early in the morning or later at night. The flights in the night period appear increasingly difficult to justify and seem to favour residents near airports in departure countries rather than overflown communities in the UK.

Many studies have been done which highlight the link between night flights and poor health, particularly around the risk of cardiovascular deaths.[1]


The World Health Organisation (WHO) 2018 noise guidelines, recommended that the safe level for aircraft noise at night was 40dB Lnight.[2]  Consequently, the continued use of the 48dB Lnight contour appears to not be in line with the balanced approach


Hansell et al, (2013) highlighted the impact of aircraft noise increases the risk of hospitalisation and death from stroke and heart diseases by between 10 and 20 percent.[3]
