Heathrow 3rd runway consultation branded a ‘PR exercise’

Heathrow Airport’s decision to embark on a six week consultation on its proposal for a third runway has been branded ‘nothing more than a PR exercise’ by local campaigners.

During the consultation, due to start on 3rd February, Heathrow will seek views from residents on how their plans for a new runway can be improved. They will mail out forms to 120,000 households and businesses most impacted by the proposals and invite other people to comment on line. Additionally drop-in events will be held in nine local areas (1).

The Airport stresses that the consultation is not about whether people want a third runway. Its chief executive Colin Matthews said: “This consultation is to make sure we correctly understand what local people value and that we can take their views into account as we refine our proposal”.

But John Stewart, chair of HACAN, the campaign group which opposes a third runway, said,”The big issue is whether or not a third runway should be built. This is nothing more than a PR exercise. It’s meaningless.”

The proposed new runway would destroy hundreds of homes in the village of Harmondsworth. The new flight path would be over Sipson, Harlington, Heston, Southall, Norwood Green, Bedford Park and Shepherds Bush. The runway is one of the options for expansion in London and the South East being examined by the Airports Commission. A final decision will not be taken until after the next General Election in summer 2015.


Notes for Editors:

  1. The events will take place in
    • Harmondsworth
    • Longford
    • Harlington
    • Colnbrook
    • Richings Park
    • Hounslow
    • Brentford
    • Richmond
    • Windsor

For further information:
John Stewart on 0207 737 6641 or 07957 385650